Monday, February 15, 2010

Bulimia Nervosa Pictures What Is The Death Rate Of Bulimia Nervosa?

What is the death rate of bulimia nervosa? - bulimia nervosa pictures

I know that the mortality of anorexia nervosa is 15% after twenty years, but what is the mortality rate for bulimia nervosa?


Vanessa8... said...

Mortality is a rare outcome in bulimia nervosa, with rates as low as 0.5%. However, reported by 5% between 2-5 years.

Leah said...

It is higher than previously thought, up to 20% depending on the time actually happened. And death is not uncommon when it comes to bulimia ... I know three girls in the group who died in my support. They suddenly had a heart attack and drowned, we had a hot dog trying to vomit.

Bulimia has other risks that people are not necessarily stifled - on vomit, for example, when presented a piece of food, one of the factors of death.

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